Nayeen Al Amin

I’m Worried He’ll Find Some One. How Do I End Considering It?

Reader Question:

i have been matchmaking this guy on and off for the last couple of years. The times we split up happened to be because of their racist mommy. I’m biracial in which he’s white. She’d constantly stick by herself inside our commitment and also make situations complicated.

Today we aren’t internet dating yet still talk every day though the guy went to university an hour out. I am worried that as he’s away at school he will get a hold of somebody else and maybe also someone white exactly who their mother loves. I am obsessed about him despite the reality we’ve been through really trouble and misery together.

Just how do I end thinking about these just what ifs?


Dr. Wendy Walsh’s Answer:

Shay, I’m not clear. Are you men currently together or separated yet still chatting?

When it’s the previous, you should re-establish the bottom principles of your own devotion now that the guy resides an hour or so away.

If you’re split up and just chatting, i might trust the existing adage, “If you love something, set it up free. In the event it comes back, it really is your own website. If it doesn’t, it never was actually.”

So you need to move forward, too. The easiest method to get over someone is to redirect your awareness of somebody else.

In addition, the reason why could you actually ever end up being with a person that is actually a racist, even when according to him it really is just his mom’s opinion??? You deserve much better.

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