IoT-based Water Distribution and Management

The internet of things (IoT)-based Water Distribution and Management Goals of Water Distribution and Management Solution Scope of this Solution This Solution has designed and constructed a smart water flowmeter as a POC (Proof of Concept) with remote flow ON/OFF control and connected it to a real-time dashboard. The developed dashboard will show flow rate […]

The Social Internet of Things (SIoT) future Social Network for IoT

The Social Internet of Things (SIoT) future Social Network for IoT devices is it sounds funny or crazy but it’s true. Nowadays so many scientists and researchers are talking about this like Mr. Luigi Atzori who is an Associate professor at the University of Cagliari (Italy). Believe it or not, when things are getting smart […]

Big analog data is the mother of Big data

big analog data is a mother for Big data In the world of IoT, AI, and Big Data, you believe it or not Big analog data is a mother for Big data and AI (Artificial Intelligence). So now the question comes up what I mean by Big analog data? Ok, let’s make an example, think […]

Future Market of IoT in South and Southeast Asia

Future Market of IoT in Asia Todays Blog about a short idea sharing where “Future Market of IoT in South and Southeast Asia”.  Nowadays, IoT business marker growing day by day,  Pretty much anything with a computer chip is now sending and receiving data, creating a massive informational network known as the internet of things […]

Solve big problems of agriculture by thinking like a farmer, acting like an engineer.

Solve big problems of agriculture by thinking like a farmer, act like an engineer will change the next generation farming all over the world. Let’s think like a farmer but acting like an engineer to solve big problem of Agriculture. Salah Sukkarieh is Professor of Robotics and Intelligent Systems at the University of Sydney, and […]