Why Emotional Intelligence Is the upcoming Action of Artificial intelligence.

Why Emotional Intelligence Is the upcoming Action of Artificial intelligence. Human emotion is one of the most potent forces on the planet. Where Emotions start wars and build peace; nicely spark love and sadly force a divorce. However, unavoidable emotions are also vital sources of orientation and propel us to take action. But uncontrolled emotion […]

How DevOps for machine learning (MLOps) works for IoT Edge with Azure IoT Edge

MLOps (DevOps for machine learning) enables data science, and IT teams to collaborate and increase the pace of model development and deployment via monitoring, validation, and governance of machine learning models. Azure MLOps help to do that directly in IoT Edge. Any Enterprise can avail of several benefits by deploying MLOps like:Increasing the value of your model, Integrating the […]

COVID-19 will Extend AI and analytics directly on the IoT Edge

COVID19 will Extend AI and analytics on to the IoT Edge. Covid-19 already started to giving big push On Edge Technology Markets. As COVID-19 open’s a door to our society to redesign the thinking of our future society. Day by day human society will be more dependent on the Internet of Things. Human interaction way […]

The Social Internet of Things (SIoT) future Social Network for IoT

The Social Internet of Things (SIoT) future Social Network for IoT devices is it sounds funny or crazy but it’s true. Nowadays so many scientists and researchers are talking about this like Mr. Luigi Atzori who is an Associate professor at the University of Cagliari (Italy). Believe it or not, when things are getting smart […]

Big analog data is the mother of Big data

big analog data is a mother for Big data In the world of IoT, AI, and Big Data, you believe it or not Big analog data is a mother for Big data and AI (Artificial Intelligence). So now the question comes up what I mean by Big analog data? Ok, let’s make an example, think […]

Future Market of IoT in South and Southeast Asia

Future Market of IoT in Asia Todays Blog about a short idea sharing where “Future Market of IoT in South and Southeast Asia”.  Nowadays, IoT business marker growing day by day,  Pretty much anything with a computer chip is now sending and receiving data, creating a massive informational network known as the internet of things […]

Solve big problems of agriculture by thinking like a farmer, acting like an engineer.

Solve big problems of agriculture by thinking like a farmer, act like an engineer will change the next generation farming all over the world. Let’s think like a farmer but acting like an engineer to solve big problem of Agriculture. Salah Sukkarieh is Professor of Robotics and Intelligent Systems at the University of Sydney, and […]

The Internet of Things IoT: main arms of IT business for the next generation

The Internet of Things IoT primary arms of IT enterprise for the following era. Internet of Things, Test the beneath determine, By test this determine anybody can perceive the place would be the subsequent IT Enterprise.Now let’s have a look at who take that chance. Internet of things (IoT) has a potential economic impact of 2.7-6.2 trillion […]